White Noise in a Shadow Box

Here is an example, a life-sized Chessboard.

Here is a landing point, where giants climb

down from their secret place. Emerging

from behind a mass of grey clouds

wearing their bold, thunder head hats.

Mammoth-sized boots knock over pawns,

bishops, and rooks leaving them toppled

pieces spreading over along an expansive

checkered transparency. A walkway

constructed form glossy mirror panes.

Perception intersects within the lines

of this sawtooth world, like a series

of revolving doors. A forever movement

where extreme thought squares slant

at an awkward incline. They are the

tilt-a-whirl, gradient shifts. An unstable

carnival light pattern moving with

rickety creaks and unexpected clatter.

Time hands go on from this, skilled

at perpetual movement. Blundering

and delaying, stowed within

dark crevices of the black box.

Silence brings a tender reprieve.

The breaths, fluttering,

like wax dribbling down

cylinder faces of the candle.

It sounds as gentle

as the pulse

of white noise.


Ally Campanozzi started writing in middle school and has been expanding her passion since. Her background includes a BA in Psychology and an MA in Creative Writing from SNHU. Her poetry has been featured in a few anthologies and online magazines, including publications by The Closed Eye Open, Dream Noir Magazine, Cathexis NW Press, and others. She lives in Colorado with her husband and their cats. When she isn't writing she enjoys taking photos in nature and building dioramas. Follow her work on Instagram: @allycampanozziwriting