It was actually about the death of America
In late November of 2016
I woke up devastated by a dream
My heart hurt
In the bathroom, hours later
I cried
How long had I known him
Thirty, almost forty years?
We witnessed each others’ lives
In so many small glimpses.
I had come to count on listening to all his secrets
Telling him mine.
And then drifting away for a month or years.
In my dream, I knew I wouldn’t see him again.
I grieved hard for what I’d lost,
For what might have come
On a blistering day in June of 2022.
The women in attendance
We were still reeling from a new reality we should have seen coming.
Our male friends
nodded sympathetically
Embarrassed by their impotence.
We consoled ourselves with the love that comes
From being known as children.
And there he was, solid and real
After so many years,
Neither of us wanted to leave the other’s side
And I understood what I was grieving
That morning in November.
by Jenn Vetter